Going by the Eddas, it’d presumably be either because Loki is also Laufey’s son, who is listed as one of the Aesir or because of whatever story is behind the mention in Lokasenna of a blood oath with Odin.
Though those don’t have Loki learn shapeshifting or such from Odin, so the comic could have an entirely different fun reason.
“Because we all know how friendly Odin is.” Loki must have just caught him at a good time ya know.
Just lucky I guess!
Or he used his future sight and set things up as they need to be?
Future vision always makes things tricky!
Going by the Eddas, it’d presumably be either because Loki is also Laufey’s son, who is listed as one of the Aesir or because of whatever story is behind the mention in Lokasenna of a blood oath with Odin.
Though those don’t have Loki learn shapeshifting or such from Odin, so the comic could have an entirely different fun reason.
TMK does have its own spin on the mythologies, a sort of personal canon which is hopefully as fun for readers to discover as it is for me to write. :3