Chapter 21 | Page 26
on January 31, 2023
at 12:00 am
And that’s a wrap. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It was a lot of fun for me to make.
Now it’s time for the break between chapters, which I need more than ever now that I’m doing two updates a week. I’m hoping I can still manage that. Next chapter will start on March 7th!
In the meantime, please tell your friends and spread the word about this 500+ page free-to-read webcomic ready for some serious binging.
Thank you all for reading!! <33
Y’know, that’s a very funny feeling, having it turn into a different distinction like that, “a sealed fate is unpredictable.” “Sealed” we assume can only mean one thing, when one is totally dead, but it might mean anything when one is totally dead but not uh, totally holding still. Like everyone’s fate is that kind of sealed.
The way I understand it, the Norse believed that a person´s fate was foretold from birth to death. This would mean that, Coal being dead, he does not have a foretold fate any more.
So, even with all the wisdom in the nine world and all the knowledge of everyone´s fate, there´s no telling what Coal is going to do next.
Yes, that’s… exactly what I meant!

Except… except I meant tfw you know both things, but had only been thinking the first one applied, had forgotten the second, and then suddenly get reminded.
And then go
Hey Sarah, thank you very much for this great, charming story, regularly updated no less! Congratulations on your persistence and looking forward to reading more of TMK! <3
You know, I just noticed that Coal’s eyes are not Einherjar gray since he got to Sigyn’s loom, they’re Brown right now… now I’m going to have to go back and see what colors they are when they changed in the past. (I know we’ve seen green, and maybe blue…)
I wonder if the color correlates to the type of emotion he’s feeling.
We will miss you and your characters Sarah!
Hope you have a refreshing and happy break.
Have a lovely break, and as always, thanks for all your hard work. You’re an inspiration!
always so happy to come back to this comic and see all the pages i’ve missed. read them 2x. great story, definitely will go back and read through the whole thing again soon
They got off-topic a bit here? Coal asked how he could complete his quest without hurting his friends. ‘No amount of avoidance will prevent their deaths.” Even aside the inevitability of all mortals’ death, eventually, it says nothing about whether Coal effects their deaths personally.
As Sarah is wont to say, :3 indeed. (I hope you’re enjoying your break.)
I’ve shared this comic with my friends before, but they could do with a reminder!!!
Thank you for the lovely comic Sarah. I hope you’re having a lovely break from the comic.