The dragon has been woken. Agnar’s goons should really have remembered how things usually turn out for non-heroes in sagas when they come up against berserkers.
Just look, Coal caught, flipped then sent off the spear with enough force to penetrate true chain mail.
From a distance of around 10 meters? That is brutal.
Who says he flipped it? Just as likely that he backhanded that sucker and it went in butt-end first on the ‘return to sender’! Oh hang on, that doesn’t sound right…
Geirr seems AWFULLY composed… and cucumber-like. Maybe he’ll just play dead in a minnit or so…
Cue heavy scots accent: “Tha’ what ah told ye- but did ya listen? NO! “oh EE’s jusa’ wee liddle blondie-norsman” Tha’ boyo’s got a MEAN streak a MYLE WYDE – an’ SHARP claws – LOOKIT da BONES! He’ll do ya up right over!”
So, I just realized that Agnar might have other reasons for doing this. He is feared, but old and likely cunning. Never underestimate and old man in a profession where those die Young.
The soldier’s subtle shift in expression is excellent. You are great at visual story telling.
Thank you!
Get ready!
The dragon has been woken. Agnar’s goons should really have remembered how things usually turn out for non-heroes in sagas when they come up against berserkers.
Oh, the dragon was awake already, but the dragon was just sitting there, just-woke-up-blinking, until some fool flinked him on the nose. With a spear.
Always bad times.
Left-handed, to boot
Yeah, Coal is pretty ambidextrous. This might be because I have accidentally drawn his sword in the wrong hand beforehand tho. 😀
“That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more!”
(Coal channels his inner Popeye.)
And no need for spinach.
His immortal last words: “Wow! I guess you weren’t lying aft-”
They should put that on his grave marker as a warning to future generations.
A good idea.
Just look, Coal caught, flipped then sent off the spear with enough force to penetrate true chain mail.
From a distance of around 10 meters? That is brutal.
I love it… squee
Who says he flipped it? Just as likely that he backhanded that sucker and it went in butt-end first on the ‘return to sender’! Oh hang on, that doesn’t sound right…
I don’t think it was either, looks like he just swung it around like a whip and let it go… through the guys chest
Yay for magic beer.
This is not going to be pretty. In fact, I’m pretty sure they’re going to barely going to smears.
See “Red Painting Number 5′ by Jackson Pollock. O.O
I would have an easier time drawing smears at least, hah.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
A very angry one.
Geirr seems AWFULLY composed… and cucumber-like. Maybe he’ll just play dead in a minnit or so…
Cue heavy scots accent: “Tha’ what ah told ye- but did ya listen? NO! “oh EE’s jusa’ wee liddle blondie-norsman” Tha’ boyo’s got a MEAN streak a MYLE WYDE – an’ SHARP claws – LOOKIT da BONES! He’ll do ya up right over!”
Geirr has pretty much resigned himself at this point.
How did you die?
Playing catch with a berserker.
Welcome to Valhalla.
A surefire way in.
Sarah, that author’s note is ominous. It is ominous, right? Crud.
Of course it’s ominous. 😀
So, I just realized that Agnar might have other reasons for doing this. He is feared, but old and likely cunning. Never underestimate and old man in a profession where those die Young.
I like it when people give him credit, lol.
Murder time 😀