Best collection of googly eyes ever. Coal just keeps the other arrow in his not-even-bleeding arm. I’m halfway expecting him to simply flex and eject the arrow back at speed. Can’t quite tell Loki’s expression (Flamingonator’s awesome snark aside), would he have blown his cover to save the redshirt? Not likely.
It’s weird though because this isn’t even him blowing cover! Most people will probably be happy to accept him as an elite warrior, may an exile, defiantly a beserker. It’s when he is being nice or goofing off that he really lets his true nature slip!
Geirr has no idea how annoying Coal is going to get….
Please readers, join Sarahs patreon you are missing soo much. PLus I am biting my tongue to a mangled mess not spoiling anything….
Loki is bitter cuz he didn’t get to do the cool “catch the arrow right before it hits the target” move
He’s plenty flashy in other ways.
Look would have done it with his teeth.
Sarah, you make the best reaction faces. Coal is just oozing cool isn’t he…
Haha, thank you!
Coal took a couple levels of Monk, did he?
He’d be offended to hear that since to him monks are book-loving weaklings but tough noogies.
Good point – I’d better not say that where he can hear!
It looks like Harold is realizing he didn’t get such a bad deal after all.
Anything is better than death!
Coal please take the other arrow out of your arm
First he’s going to put the second arrow through Discount!Arrows arm
He’s fiiiiine.
Best collection of googly eyes ever. Coal just keeps the other arrow in his not-even-bleeding arm. I’m halfway expecting him to simply flex and eject the arrow back at speed. Can’t quite tell Loki’s expression (Flamingonator’s awesome snark aside), would he have blown his cover to save the redshirt? Not likely.
That would be a neat way to shoot an arrow.
Loki looking *So Done* with Coal blowing their cover. You keep doing what you’re doing, Coal. You’re the best pincushion in the Nine Worlds. <3
It’s weird though because this isn’t even him blowing cover! Most people will probably be happy to accept him as an elite warrior, may an exile, defiantly a beserker. It’s when he is being nice or goofing off that he really lets his true nature slip!
He can take so many pins!
Geirr has no idea how annoying Coal is going to get….
Please readers, join Sarahs patreon you are missing soo much. PLus I am biting my tongue to a mangled mess not spoiling anything….
Man, I wonder how Coal will explain himself. Changing eyes and casually taking an arrow to the arm all in one day.
“I’m from Norway.”
Oh my GOD. xD
Coal, internally: Odin dammit… Which method of killing these idiots will bring me the most entertainment?
Love those facial expressions! Go, Coal, go!
Love that Coal’s still got that arrow in his arm