I love his protest when, in fact, he was totally comfortable with the idea of giving her to Sigyn as a thrall. But being a master himself weirds him out. 😉
Haha! He mostly doesn’t want to deal with the trouble of having one. Or explaining to a Christian one how he’s technically dead. So much trouble already on his little quest!
I don’t think anyone wants to see Stubbles again anytime soon.
Nope! And I certainly don’t want to draw him either.
Coal may be grumpy sometimes… But they both look cute together 🙂
Coal is grumpy just about all the time! I guess their contrast makes them cute(?).
Awww! Poor Hedda is so confused. I hope she does want to go home.
Oh, Sarah. I’m reading a book called A Thrall’s Tale right now, and a character, (a very, very minor character. Sorry) is named Kol! So there you go.
Haha, cool! Yeah Coal’s name isn’t really from Kol exactly…it’s complicated and historically inaccurate. 😐
Just found the comic today and I’m enjoying it greatly. It’s now in my regular rotation; I look forward to more. :cheers:
Also: Hedda and Coal both have terrific hair.
Hahah, thank you so much! I’m glad you’re enjoying the comic. 😀 And their hair is the source of their true power.
I love that he looks to be a mixture of weirded out and frightened by the idea in that last panel.
Hahaha, that’s what I wanted, actually. I’m glad it got across. Thanks! 😀
I love his protest when, in fact, he was totally comfortable with the idea of giving her to Sigyn as a thrall. But being a master himself weirds him out. 😉
Haha! He mostly doesn’t want to deal with the trouble of having one. Or explaining to a Christian one how he’s technically dead. So much trouble already on his little quest!
Yep, I don’t see him thinking he’d do well with the care and feeding of another human, even if she was a thrall. 😉
Ha, such confusion on both sides. She’s so cute and he’s a goofy mess. Excited to see where it goes.
Thanks for pimping my fanart! Much appreciated.
Haha, your welcome. Thank you so much for drawing it! 😀
Wait Eire is ireland right?
Yes, it is. I first mentioned it a few pages back and explained it then. Thanks for reading. 😀