I can’t find the store thingy. D:
Or see the vote thing yet. *sad* Vote Stone! Open up your linkage portal early please! xD
Although half the fun of seeing your comic is having to wait another day for your incentive to load.
Oh dang maybe your browser is blocking it. I’ll have to add a text link underneath it or something. And I’m sorry, I have no control over when TWC posts the new incentives. D: They do it around 2 AM Eastern time.
Thank you! The “Click here for my Amazon store” right? I refreshed a tonne today and I think I managed to see the ‘ad’ itself for a tiny bit xD The ‘cool stuff. I mean it” with a book cover? I think my internet is just Reeeeeaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyy slow.
On an related note: I have most of those! Woot! And I so miss the old videos of Eyewitness… I have most of the collection of books and all the vids, but my VCR died D: So take it from a Librarian: those books may seem like they’re for kids, but they are REALLY useful.
Oh, you’re right! I think I grabbed that one first because it had the same cover as my own copy. I noticed a few other books I’d added that weren’t available through Amazon anymore, so I had to do some pruning. D: Thanks for catching that!
More disturbing………….anyway. There was a movie, animated movie with this subject in mind. It was called ”Valhalla”. Made in 1986 with like english subtitles based on the Danish comic book of the same name. Thought it was a box office flop due to it’s five million dollar budget.
Yeah I know what you’re talking about. XD I’ve seen clips of it on YouTube, another reader pointed me in its direction. The comics are beautiful, I wish they’d bring them over here.
I can’t find the store thingy. D:
Or see the vote thing yet. *sad* Vote Stone! Open up your linkage portal early please! xD
Although half the fun of seeing your comic is having to wait another day for your incentive to load.
Is Hedda wearing a necklace?
Oh dang maybe your browser is blocking it. I’ll have to add a text link underneath it or something. And I’m sorry, I have no control over when TWC posts the new incentives. D: They do it around 2 AM Eastern time.
Thank you! The “Click here for my Amazon store” right? I refreshed a tonne today and I think I managed to see the ‘ad’ itself for a tiny bit xD The ‘cool stuff. I mean it” with a book cover? I think my internet is just Reeeeeaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyy slow.
On an related note: I have most of those! Woot! And I so miss the old videos of Eyewitness… I have most of the collection of books and all the vids, but my VCR died D: So take it from a Librarian: those books may seem like they’re for kids, but they are REALLY useful.
“Want Hedda with me” ? I hope this doesn’t mean what I think it means… I mean, I have read Ahmed Ibn Fadlan’s account of a Viking Funeral…
Oh you have, have you? Hmmmmmmm.
So have I.
Not my favortie part of the book, mind you. (that would be the part about hunting unicorns)
Awww, I thought Hedda was so glum because, well, she’s a thrall. But she really liked the old man, didn’t she?
Well it’s complicated. D: But she still feels sad when anyone dies, especially someone she’s been with a long time.
@Queen-of-Daemons, do you use NoScript, or have Javascript turned off? I had to allow depleti.com and assoc-amazon.com to get it to show up.
Er, I have no idea? xD I use Windows, Firefox and I think that’s it >.>
Oh man, Loki looks great with bows. ;D AHAH
Nice comic, I love the panel where everyone’s wide-eyed.
Thank you! Loki thinks he looks quite dashing as well.
I like your store.
You might want to switch out the Crossley-Holland link for this one, though: http://www.amazon.com/Norse-Myths-Pantheon-Folklore-Library/dp/0394748468/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1308256499&sr=1-1 — currently, the one you have listed is “unavailable,” which I presume means the ISBN for that particular edition is only available used. This looks like a 1981 printing of the same book.
Oh, you’re right! I think I grabbed that one first because it had the same cover as my own copy. I noticed a few other books I’d added that weren’t available through Amazon anymore, so I had to do some pruning. D: Thanks for catching that!
she does have a lot of freckles, don’t she? i wonder, is the hand on the shoulder for comfort, or for control?
Hmmmm I wonder.
She is a slave afterall.
Saw the incentive page, like it…….Those kids know their braidwork….which is sort of disturbing.
Thank you! I don’t see why it’s disturbing, and they’re not braiding anyway, they’re just putting bows in Loki’s hair.
More disturbing………….anyway. There was a movie, animated movie with this subject in mind. It was called ”Valhalla”. Made in 1986 with like english subtitles based on the Danish comic book of the same name. Thought it was a box office flop due to it’s five million dollar budget.
Yeah I know what you’re talking about. XD I’ve seen clips of it on YouTube, another reader pointed me in its direction. The comics are beautiful, I wish they’d bring them over here.
“BOING!” I love everybody’s eyes in the top panel.
Uh oh, time to say goodbye to living Hedda I’m afraid.
And what’s Hedda grasping? Another Thor’s Hammer pendant like Coal’s?