My, an introspective Coal. The kid has more to him than I thought!
He thinks sometimes! Sometimes.
Funny how the trees make almost-runes 😛
That was totally intentional. I meant to do that. It was all on purpose.
I’m lying.
Good night, Coal. Good work. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.
Gosh, no love for Loki.
That sky is GORGEOUS! You just can’t see one like that nowadays!
Some places you can! Also helps that I can paint as many stars as I want. 😀
…hate… D:
Wow! I really didn’t expect a page today, I was just checking out of boredom:D Thanks for the present!!!! also… hate? … PLEEASE DO NOT HARM JORMYYYY… T_T
Jormy? What??? He’s okay, don’t worry.
Something about that announcement thing makes me think “Hiatus”…
Now why would anyone think that.
Hmm, winter is coming? Nah it’s already here, oh man, HIATUS IS COMING isn’t it? D:
I smell Hiatus…
And Ireland… yeah… sure, let’s go with that! If by Eire you mean what I’m guessing is the Americas…
Eire is an old name for Ireland, the vikings called America Vinland
Intended affect of what I said:
Oh no, Eire is the Irish name for Ireland. She wouldn’t be blue-eyed and freckled if she were Skraeling, now would she?
I was being sarcastic.
Haha, as others have said, Eire means Ireland.
WAIT I THINK I GET THIS. You meant “Eire” isn’t the next place they’re going. OKAY I GET IT.
Also, you’re right, it isn’t. :3
Ding ding ding! That’s correct! I should’ve added a sarcasm tag… I’ll remeber to in the future.
Yeah that’s a risk on the internet hahaha.
…Why would Eire mean the Americas, instead of Ireland?
A trope for you: “By no, I mean yes”:
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Thistil Mistil Kistil is a comic about vikings, Norse gods, and their adventures together (or against each other). Updates are on Thor’s Day.
My, an introspective Coal. The kid has more to him than I thought!
He thinks sometimes! Sometimes.
Funny how the trees make almost-runes 😛
That was totally intentional. I meant to do that. It was all on purpose.
I’m lying.
Good night, Coal. Good work. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.
Gosh, no love for Loki.
That sky is GORGEOUS! You just can’t see one like that nowadays!
Some places you can! Also helps that I can paint as many stars as I want. 😀
…hate… D:
Wow! I really didn’t expect a page today, I was just checking out of boredom:D
Thanks for the present!!!!
also… hate?
Jormy? What??? He’s okay, don’t worry.
Something about that announcement thing makes me think “Hiatus”…
Now why would anyone think that.
Hmm, winter is coming? Nah it’s already here, oh man, HIATUS IS COMING isn’t it? D:
I smell Hiatus…
And Ireland… yeah… sure, let’s go with that! If by Eire you mean what I’m guessing is the Americas…
Eire is an old name for Ireland, the vikings called America Vinland
Intended affect of what I said:
Oh no, Eire is the Irish name for Ireland. She wouldn’t be blue-eyed and freckled if she were Skraeling, now would she?
I was being sarcastic.
Haha, as others have said, Eire means Ireland.
WAIT I THINK I GET THIS. You meant “Eire” isn’t the next place they’re going. OKAY I GET IT.
Also, you’re right, it isn’t. :3
Ding ding ding! That’s correct! I should’ve added a sarcasm tag… I’ll remeber to in the future.
Yeah that’s a risk on the internet hahaha.
…Why would Eire mean the Americas, instead of Ireland?
A trope for you: “By no, I mean yes”: